Beccachelorette Recap Week 11: Butterflies Are Out, Eagles Are In
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Paul Hebert/ABC |
Instead, we are diving right into the Maldives (which are pronounced Mahldeeves, rather than Mahldyves #themoreyouknow). This finale is refreshingly different for me personally, because I don't think Becca can go wrong with either man. Usually I'm screaming at the screen in agony for the Bachelor/ette to make the right choice, so it was nice to know she really couldn't make the wrong decision.
In LA at the live finale, Chris Harrison is rocking a fresh spray tan from the salon up the street and invites us to soak up this tear-jerker of an episode. Becca arrives in the Maldives and checks out her paradise before partaking in yoga on the beach and catching up with her fam. She is anxious to get their opinion on her remaining suitors. I'm anxious to get a refresher on who all of these family members are. Remember when ABC used to put title boxes on the bottom left hand side of the screen? Can we bring that back?
Becca admits that she loves both Garrett and Blake, but hasn't told either one just yet. Her family supports that decision wholeheartedly since they witnessed firsthand what Becca went through with Arie last season. She preps her family for Garrett, commenting that she never stops laughing with him, but his previous failed marriage is a red flag for her. Garrett meets Becca's entourage before announcing that he's in love with Becca and toasting to her late father looking down on them. Becca's mom chats with Becca to find out what Becca needs from them as far as input goes. Becca wants insight most of all. She feels like this is so different from her relationship with Arie, as she feels that she can be all of Becca all of the time.
Garrett sits down with who I assume to be Becca's Uncle Gary. Uncle questions Garrett's previous marriage and wants to know what Garrett would have done differently. Garrett gracefully sidesteps the question before announcing that he feels for Becca since his mom has gone through breast cancer and thyroid cancer. Both Uncle Gary and Garrett have emotions.
Next up is Emily, Becca's sister, to grill Garrett. Emily just wanted Becca to have a teammate and is thrilled that Garrett appears to put Becca first. Garrett gets emotional during his conversation with Emily and she is here for it. She deems him fabulous.
Blake is up next to meet the fam and the rainstorm seems to promise a few hurdles. Before she introduces him, Becca shares that he was the first one she established a connection with and that she's been in love with him for several weeks now.
Next up is Emily, Becca's sister, to grill Garrett. Emily just wanted Becca to have a teammate and is thrilled that Garrett appears to put Becca first. Garrett gets emotional during his conversation with Emily and she is here for it. She deems him fabulous.
Blake is up next to meet the fam and the rainstorm seems to promise a few hurdles. Before she introduces him, Becca shares that he was the first one she established a connection with and that she's been in love with him for several weeks now.
Emily takes Blake aside and questions why Blake thinks his connection with Becca is stronger than any previous relationships. Blake admits that he gravitates toward strong women and really sees teamwork with Becca. Emily thinks Becca's face lights up around Blake and can see similarities between the two of them. She likes the idea that Blake would challenge Becca.
Becca's mom sits down with Blake, but her statement that Blake will be fine if Becca doesn't pick him aren't exactly what Blake's looking to hear. Taking a cue from Becca's mom, Uncle Gary asks Blake if there's anything he should know about Garrett.
Blake's anxiety and insecurity intensifies, just like the downpour outside.
Becca powwows with her family. They realize that she has two keepers. She and Blake compliment each other well, but Uncle Gary thinks Garrett is a risky poet. Becca appears disappointed by this feedback, but recovers in time for her final date with Garrett.
She runs and jumps into his arms before they board a yacht. Becca describes Garrett as a ball of positive energy. They recap her family and gaze at dolphins, before kissing on the equator. That evening, Garrett lights some candles for Becca's arrival. He loves her freckles and the way she says "bag" and can see an awesome life together. Becca tells Garrett that he feels like home. Garrett has surpassed butterflies in his stomach and instead tells Becca that she gives him eagles #america. In fact, it's like the 4th of July going off in his chest.
Blake's anxiety and insecurity intensifies, just like the downpour outside.
Becca powwows with her family. They realize that she has two keepers. She and Blake compliment each other well, but Uncle Gary thinks Garrett is a risky poet. Becca appears disappointed by this feedback, but recovers in time for her final date with Garrett.
She runs and jumps into his arms before they board a yacht. Becca describes Garrett as a ball of positive energy. They recap her family and gaze at dolphins, before kissing on the equator. That evening, Garrett lights some candles for Becca's arrival. He loves her freckles and the way she says "bag" and can see an awesome life together. Becca tells Garrett that he feels like home. Garrett has surpassed butterflies in his stomach and instead tells Becca that she gives him eagles #america. In fact, it's like the 4th of July going off in his chest.
Blake has the final (also lesser) date and dons clashing blues for the occasion. Instead of floating on a yacht, they hop on bikes to explore the island before spending time paddle boarding. Notice how these are all activities that limit touching? That evening Blake's hair is reacting big time to the humidity and he's managed to put together a time capsule of their time together. Blake loves her and Becca thinks Blake would make an excellent partner and father. They say goodbye at the door and Blake predicts that the high he will be on tomorrow will be insane. Little does he know...
The rain clears up for E-day (engagement day). Becca reads a letter from her sister Emily before pretending to do her own hair and make up (as if!). Garrett and Blake take turns sitting down with the infamous Neil Lane, who still somehow feels the need to introduce himself every season. The advertising is strong with this one. Blake is nervous, but says he has a strange calm as he pages through his journal and I fall a little bit in love #suckerformenwhowrite.
The rain clears up for E-day (engagement day). Becca reads a letter from her sister Emily before pretending to do her own hair and make up (as if!). Garrett and Blake take turns sitting down with the infamous Neil Lane, who still somehow feels the need to introduce himself every season. The advertising is strong with this one. Blake is nervous, but says he has a strange calm as he pages through his journal and I fall a little bit in love #suckerformenwhowrite.
Becca wears a bright white dress that could double as a prom dress, so needless to say I was disappointed after her A+ wardrobe choices the rest of the season. She is ready for her happily ever after, but still has to get through a goodbye.
Chris Harrison takes a moment to warn the live audience and the viewers at home that the impending break up is raw and painful. I'm sorry, but if she's not sitting one of them down on a random couch in LA to break up with them AFTER proposing, then it's not nearly as bad as what we've already seen last season.
The men approach an island by boat and Blake is the unlucky first to arrive. The playground taunt "first is the worst" has never rang more true. Blake begins his speech about how wonderful Becca is and I beg her to interject before he gets more words out. After an agonizing 60 seconds, Becca interrupts to admit that she overlooked another relationship because she and Blake were so solid (wut?) and she has stronger feelings for someone else. Blake is sweating profusely and at this point I can no longer tell if the moisture dripping off his nose is tears or sweat. Blake doesn't understand how he could have been so wrong and I'm hopeful that Harrison has a pocketful of Xanax for Blake to chew on his flight home.
Chris Harrison takes a moment to warn the live audience and the viewers at home that the impending break up is raw and painful. I'm sorry, but if she's not sitting one of them down on a random couch in LA to break up with them AFTER proposing, then it's not nearly as bad as what we've already seen last season.
The men approach an island by boat and Blake is the unlucky first to arrive. The playground taunt "first is the worst" has never rang more true. Blake begins his speech about how wonderful Becca is and I beg her to interject before he gets more words out. After an agonizing 60 seconds, Becca interrupts to admit that she overlooked another relationship because she and Blake were so solid (wut?) and she has stronger feelings for someone else. Blake is sweating profusely and at this point I can no longer tell if the moisture dripping off his nose is tears or sweat. Blake doesn't understand how he could have been so wrong and I'm hopeful that Harrison has a pocketful of Xanax for Blake to chew on his flight home.
Back in the studio, Blake sits on the couch with Harrison. He has just seen this breakup for the first time after living it and will be seeing Becca tonight. Becca wants him to know she didn't set out to hurt him and Blake ends their conversation by stating how lucky he was that she was his Bachelorette.
Finally, the whole reason we've all spent 23 hours in front of our television this summer is happening. Back in the Maldives, Becca is ready to see Garrett. She knows he will stand by her every day. She finally tells him that she loves him and he practically does a little dance on the platform. His eagles are soaring. He proposes and Becca, of course, says yes.
In the studio, Harrison interviews the newly engaged couple. Becca admits that she knew she felt strongly for Garrett during his hometown and when she could picture her life with his. Garrett plans to spend time in Minnesota and she will spend some time in Nevada, but they do plan to move to California initially. Garrett takes a moment to address his social media blunders and stands by his public apology. He is looking forward to continuing to grow as a person.
Chris Harrison surprises the couple with an all-expense paid trip to Thailand where they spent their fantasy suite night. BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE (Harrison appears to be auditioning for the Price is Right?), Becca and Garrett are instructed to go outside where they find a mini-van in honor of Garrett's memorable entrance on Night 1.
Despite Garrett's social media shortcomings, I completely approve of this couple and I really do think they will stick! Thoughts? Additionally, Bachelor in Paradise (AKA The Colton and Tia show) started on Tuesday night but I will not be recapping--sorry Bach babes! XO
Catch you right here for the Bachelor in a few months--my vote is Jason!
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