After an eventful afternoon in Amsterdam, we took a series of trains to Heidelberg, arriving at 9:30 in the morning, exhausted, unshowered, and starving. We took a crowded bus to the city centre, where our hostel was located just below the castle! The hostel was well-kept and all of the visitors were friendly. After a quick nap/coma, we ventured to the streets, intent on locating food. We ate dinner at Pizza Hut that evening. And, I don't know about Gibby, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! We enjoyed the free Wifi, informed everyone of our safety, and slept early. In the morning we headed straight uphill to Schloss Heidelberg. If I was an enemy attacking said castle hundreds of years ago, the incline alone would have been enough to make me think twice. My legs screamed at me as we trudged upwards. But, once inside, the views were spectacular, and worth every sore muscle!
We scoured every inch of the property, crashed a wedding party, and pointed out the Old Bridge from our perch on the hill.
Very aware of our dwindling savings, and anxious to use the last of our euros, we stopped at a grocery store to stock up for the day and the long night ahead. We also found a shop that sold nothing but gummies. I obviously had to purchase some! I lingered in the markets before we headed across the famous bridge to kill a few hours before our train out that evening. We sat on the bank of the river and read for nearly an hour. It was so relaxing to stretch out, feel the sun, and watch the reflections of Heidelberg flit across the water.
We gathered our packs and headed to the train station when shadows began to fall. Our last stop in our trip was Copenhagen, Denmark, and we had several train changes along the way to make it there successfully.
Dirty, hungry, and exhausted (i spy a trend?), A Very Lucky Girl was en route to a Nordic country, petrified of the infamous hellish exchange rate.
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