A Very Broken Girl: Week Four

Confession: I haven't touched Dr. Townsend's book this week. Finals are looming and my brain would rather process episodes of HIMYM during downtime instead of big scientific words about what's wrong with my loving abilities.

I did ponder an interesting phenomenon this week though. Have you noticed that love is a noun? Everyone talks about "love" as a verb, but "like" is also a verb, with less power. Love can stand alone as the topic of discussion, unlike "like." 

I haven't quite figured out what that says about love, but it's probably worth thinking over.

Week Four is "love does not boast."

sorry about my nasty veins
In a world of insecurity, it's comforting to boast in what I have or have accomplished that someone else lacks. 
But an attitude of boastfulness alienates the One who provided me with the talents to meet a goal or the material blessings I am privileged to own. 
As finals wind down A Very Lucky Girl is challenging herself to keep her excitement about the completion of sophomore year to a minimum this week. My grades versus everyone else's aren't the issue. Although, yours are likely better. I pledge to be patient with all of the stress floating around campus. I pledge to be kind to the Starbucks barista that forgets to put extra java chips in my frappucino. I pledge to not envy those that are already done with their finals. 

PS-heads up that I won't be posting on Tuesday this week. I'll be frantically trying to understand how logic and families work in time to prove it on a test. Wednesday will be a good one, I promise. 


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