Half a Year

I've learned a lot about Tyler Aaron McKee in the past six months. Born on June 18, 1990, he is a solid 22 years old with two brothers (he's the baby), really cool parents, and truly lovely grandparents. This boy is an Oklahoma City Thunder enthusiast and unbeatable at NBA 2K12 on PlayStation. Unfortunately, his video game skills don't transfer to Nintendo64 Diddy Kong Racing #suckstosuck. When he's not watching "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" he is stuck on level 30 in Bubble Mania. I'm on level 54, but who's competing, really.

He typically avoids spicy foods but manfully swallowed-and claims he enjoyed!-Sharbear's gumbo. He washes down 100 Grand bars and pretzel M&M's with red Gatorade, lemonade, or Dr. Pepper 10. He takes notes in French class with a Bic Atlantis, pointing out the squirrels ("ecureuil, ecureuil!") through the perfectly drawn, symmetrical blinds (he is kinda OCD).

Tyler listens to live recordings of Christian music but prefers studio versions of songs in other genres. His idol is Martin Luther King, Jr. and he also looks up to Craig Groeschel and Steven Furtick. He plays air guitar on his leg (and sometimes mine...) absentmindedly from time to time. He is ticklish (go for the abs or the knee. Works every time). 

He has a heart for Africa (especially a little boy named Eddie) and possesses one of the most encouraging natures. He dreams of video-editing for a mega church in the future, hoping to live in North Carolina. 

I know so much about Tyler Aaron McKee. But I am not nearly done figuring this kid out. It could take another six months AT LEAST. Hey Tyler, whaddaya say? I dare you to date A Very Lucky Girl for an entire year.


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