I complained and complained about reading Beowulf last the weekend. And complained. To anyone and everyone that would listen. Or maybe they didn't listen.
I'm not a Beowulf kind of girl. It felt like reading the Lord of the Rings in poetry form. I barely made it through the Hobbit with the my love of reading intact. Conner teased me about the love lost between me and the story about dragons. (seriously, dragons? My favorite book is Little Women...)
Boys are stupid. Except for this next one. He knew how much I was HATING my sojourn through the thin pages of the Norton Anthology of English Literature and brought me sour patch kids and an ice cold water (these are a few of my favorite things...Sound of Music reference anyone?) on his way home from work on Sunday night. Life, in general, is better with an orange or green sour patch kid in your mouth. The reds are still in my room. Any takers?
Even after discussing the text in class, Beowulf is still not a hero I will plaster a poster of in my room. Besides, where would Taylor Lautner go then?! But I did take something away from this ancient literature.
I'm not a Beowulf kind of girl. It felt like reading the Lord of the Rings in poetry form. I barely made it through the Hobbit with the my love of reading intact. Conner teased me about the love lost between me and the story about dragons. (seriously, dragons? My favorite book is Little Women...)
Even after discussing the text in class, Beowulf is still not a hero I will plaster a poster of in my room. Besides, where would Taylor Lautner go then?! But I did take something away from this ancient literature.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere."-Beowulf, lines 24-25Want to be a leader? Want to make a difference? Make your actions worthwhile and purposeful. People can see A Very Lucky Girl everyday. Thanks for the reminder to act admirably, Beowulf. However, we're still not friends.
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