Storm Warning
"Attention! Attention! Attention! A severe weather storm has been reported. All occupants walk to the nearest recommended severe storm refuge area. Do not use the elevator. Walk to the recommended severe storm refuge area."
I love storms. I could absolutely be a storm chaser of some sort. Thunder and lightning exhilarate, rather than terrify, me. I hated to be stuck in that stuffy hallway when something so exciting was happening outside. I want to be a part of it! A year ago I experienced my first intense Oklahoma tornado. I was being a dedicated smoothie maker at Jamba and our manager called us to recommend that we close the store and get in the back. We didn't argue. We always thought we were supposed to pile into the freezer/refrigerator (they are practically made of steel, NOTHING can get through those), but he quickly corrected us, suggesting the office as a hideout since we could potentially suffocate if something fell on the iceberg closets. Lindsey went so far as to climb under the desk. But being in such close quarters was really boring really fast. So we decided to wander outside and watch the racing clouds.
As soon as the tornado sirens ceased, the roommate and I went exploring. We'd had enough of that cramped hallway, thank you very much. We waded through knee high puddles, trudged into sucking mud, and carefully avoided rabid geese, ducks, and swans. We were hoping to catch a glimpse of some serious destruction as the tornadoes apparently hit around Lindsey Street (one of the main campus streets). Unfortunately (I'm an unashamed gawker), we only saw some stray nature shrapnel and one failed stoplight. Upside? I would have taken first prize in a wet tshirt contest.
There are supposed to be several more storm systems ravaging the state this weekend. I'm glued to I'm not missing my next chance to catch a glimpse of such a powerful creature. Cross your fingers for yours truly, A Very Lucky Girl.
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