Autobiography of a Bibliophile: October

Pinterest Winter is a bookworm's dream because there is literally NO GOOD REASON not to be inside by a fire with a book or seven. Therefore, I will be thriving for the next four or five months. Without further ado, check out what stories caught my attention and which ones you should skip! Sweet Little Lies by Caz Frear 4 stars This is Frear’s first novel and I’m certain it won’t be her last. I don’t know what it is about these suspense stories set in England that get my imagination going, but this one did not disappoint. A strong female lead with just enough foibles to make her human, Cat’s search to find the culprit of a murder had me making and rejecting my own hypotheses several times over. Personally, I needed just a little more wrap up at the end, which is why SLL fell just one star short of a perfect rating. A Spark of Light by Jodi Picoult 4 stars This story is especially timely in the wake of the #MeToo movement and mass shootings sweeping th...