Idyllic Idleness

Friday. Just savor that word. Let it melt on your tongue. Friday. I am so guilty of favoritism towards Fridays. Don't get me wrong, I'd be upset if someone took my Saturdays away, but there is something about a Friday.

L.M. Montgomery (author of Anne of Green Gables and complete genius) said it best when she penned, "You mayn't get the things themselves; but nothing can prevent you from having the fun of looking forward to them." Even if Saturday never came, I have all of Friday to think about what to do with that free time. The promise of a Saturday is, to me, more tantalizing than the day itself. 

I dare Saturday to compete with my current Friday. Done with class at 11:15, finished at the gym by 12:30, TA application completed and turned in (in a manila folder-I've never felt so grown up!), well nourished by flank steak at the caf (one of the best meals I've had at OU), and in sweatpants, blogging, by 2:30 (oh wait-you mean other people DON'T obsessively blog? Just me?).

I'm at OU where the "wind comes sweeping down the plains" (as you can hear) and the chiming bells make me smile. I couldn't ask for more on this beautiful Friday. I couldn't be more of A Very Lucky Girl.


  1. i love that you recorded that just for your blog. :) i love that i know that you did do that. :D <33


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