The ER Tour of Oklahoma

OU Medical Center OKC, OU Medical Center Edmond, Mercy Hospital, Norman Regional....

I have to say...ER visits just get better and better. No, really. We're in and out faster each time, with less hassle and worries. Knowing exactly what I need to feel better is key. 
"Here's the deal. She has Addison's disease and is having minor crisis like symptoms. She needs fluids and IV cortisol."
Doctors rarely argue, they don't know enough to refute that. An Addison's patient knows their body better than anyone; it truly is a self-regulated disease.
Unfortunately, I clearly need to learn to better read the signs that I'm struggling in order to increase my dose of oral cortisol before landing myself in the ER. 
Turns out, emotional stress isn't healthier than physical stress for someone that has lost the capability to respond appropriately to stress hormones. 
But somehow A Very Lucky Girl can still break out in zits....Where's the justice in that!?

PS-I'm okay.


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