RIP Jamba Juice

Books have beginnings and endings. So does summer. And school. And thankfully, so do Jamba Juice shifts (I will officially be relinquishing the title of smoothie master "big chief yoda" on May 31st. It's time to close the door on that part of my life. And lock it. And lose the key).

I've worked there for over a year now and I had the time of my life! But lately, I just have too much on my plate. And since I have two other jobs (both with higher hourly rates..), Jamba had to approach the chopping block first.

I've changed drastically from the person I was when I first started blending. Fresh out of ICU, walking to Jamba from my house (a distance of less than half a mile) typically winded me. Now, I sometimes don't even bother asking for a ride, preferring instead to catch a few more sun rays. Unless it's over 90 degrees. Then me and the Matrix are best friends (even though I'm just using her for her air conditioning. Shhh). Most of my coworkers would agree that I said maybe a total of 5 words during my first month. To be fair, they are loud. I couldn't get a word in if I WANTED to. I remember when I first met Megan. Brody (our manager) was finishing up my paperwork and instructed her to brief me on the harassment policy. Sexual harassment to be exact. She's never been redder in her life. Her face matched her hair. She quickly mumbled through the points on the list while I wished I was anywhere else in the world.

Lots of great things came out of Jamba: my friendship with Megan, my fake relationship with Thomas that everyone believed (still cracks me up), perfecting the art of flirting just enough to make decent tips without being obvious, becoming an efficient dishwasher, learning all of the Jamba juice recipes, and of course I paid for my school books and NYC trip with help from my Jamba paychecks.

I wouldn't want that Jamba time taken away from me. But it's past time to say goodbye. Other ventures are calling on A Very Lucky Girl.


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