Just Gimme 5 Minutes to Fangirl

The long wait is finally over and Taylor Swift has released her newest, fourth album, "Red." As opposed to, you know, yellow, green, or blue. Because obviously, "loving him was red." And so begins the frantic search to discover what each of her emotion-packed lyrical songs REALLY mean. We all know that Swift writes with a motive, outing past relationships in her chart-topping hits. Already, fans online are alive with speculation, grasping at small hints in each song to reveal its inspiration. So I followed suit, grabbed a pen and paper, and painstakingly picked out the capitalized letters in Swift's digital booklet that accompanies her album. Until I realized Google would make this process way easier:

  1. State of Grace: I love you doesn't count after goodbye
  2. Red: SAG
  3. Treacherous: Won't stop till it's over
  4. I Knew You Were Trouble: When you saw me dancing
  5. All Too Well: Maple Lattes
  6. 22: Ashley, Dianna, Claire, Selena
  7. I Almost Do: Wrote this instead of calling
  8. We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: When I stopped caring what you thought
  9. Stay, Stay, Stay: Daydreaming about real love
  10. The Last Time: L.A. on your break
  11. Holy Ground: When you came to the show in S.D
  12. Sad Beautiful Tragic: While you were on a train
  13. The Lucky One: Wouldn't you like to know
  14. Everything Has Changed: Hyannis Port
  15. Starlight: For Ethel
  16. Begin Again: I wear heels now
After extensive research (i.e. reading Perez Hilton, et al.), I have come to the conclusion that her album  is a tribute to her past relationships with John Mayer and Jake Gyllenhaal, and a celebration of her current flame, Conor Kennedy. But my favorite song so far, despite being 2 years younger than the epitomized age, is 22. It's a ballad about youth and fun with your friends, unencumbered by boys and baggage. 

I don't know about you, but A Very Lucky Girl is feeling 22. Ish. 


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