Bachelor Recap Week Nine: WTA & Sleepovers
I thought about writing a separate recap for Women Tell All, but truthfully it wasn't all that informative. What you need to know: Arie can't stand Krystal just as much as the rest of us, Krystal swears she was hoarse for 6 weeks (thus the baby stripper voice), and Bekah is standing up for ageism. Let's get to the overnight dates, that's what Arie was here for anyway. Arie arrives in Ica, Peru freshly waxed and ready to get to know these women on "a whole other level" (his word, not mine). First conquest: Kendall. Kendall is excited for their date, but is working through some anxiety on being ready to be a fiancé. She overcomes her misgivings long enough to run, jump, and straddle Arie at the start of their date. He takes her on a dune buggy ride across the desert. Kendall approves, as she likes adrenaline things. Like sweating for a rose every week. Arie comments like that dune buggy-ing is like a relationship. There are ups and down and it's ...